It doesn’t really matter.
well, no that came out wrong.
It’s not that the four words really don’t matter, it’s that ‘It Really Doesn’t Matter’ Are the four words.
…now that we have that cleared up.
Here’s the deal…
In the health and fitness world EVERYTHING is important.
Your core strength is important.
The ratio of fructose to sucrose in your diet is important.
whether your vegetables are from Chile or are homegrown is important.
Your deadlift is important.
Your metabolic rate is important.
Foam Rolling is important.
It’s all important because it’s important to the person writing to you, and they want it to be important to you too….
but it might not be.
In fact, it might not really matter at all.
Alright it’s time for another random ‘Pilon Analogy’
Imagine it’s the day before you start a your new job.
You’re trying to plan your commute into work and you want to be on time (after all, you need to set a good impression)
You decide to look on googlemaps and find the best route from your house to the new corporate office.
Route A is Main Street. Taking Main Street will take you 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Rout B is Front Street. Taking Front Street will take you 20 minutes.
Easy. You think to yourself…obviously tomorrow morning you are going to take Front Street to work.
But, just as you are about to close your lap top, a little box pop’s up on your screen.
“Warning, there are 4% more pot holes on Front street then there are on Main Street”
Then another
“Warning there are 8% more street lights on Front Street then there are on Main Street”
Then another
“Warning Front Street has 11% higher commuter volumes on Wednesdays and Fridays then Main Street”
Wow, you think to yourself, maybe Front Street was the wrong choice.
…so you do a quick Google search to check out Main Street…
It turns out that Main Street has some really nice bike lanes.
You click another link and find out that Rihanna, Metallica and Justin Beeber have all commented on how clean Main Street is
..Sounds like an awesome street, and you start thinking about how you’re going to get up 2 hours early every day and dedicate yourself to driving on this cool new street.
Then… You snap back to reality.
Wait…what I WANTED was the fastest way to get to work.
Front Street takes 20 minutes…including the extra lights, and pot holes and slightly higher commuter volumes.
That’s what I want.
The rest…It doesn’t really matter.
(End of Long Pilon Analogy)
If you didn’t make it through that analogy I don’t blame you.
Here’s a much shorter example.
I get an email every morning from a radio show.
It updates on everything going on in Toronto..the closest major city to where I live.
Here’s the issue.
I live over an hour from Toronto…almost 2 hour from anywhere good in Toronto.
And I HATE going into Toronto. Never do it..well as rarely as possible.
So everything in that email is borderline useless to me.
Non of it really matters to me.
So I unsubscribed.
Now think about your health and fitness goals.
What matters and what doesn’t?
Because, lets face it 90% of stuff you read about, stress about or even try out…It doesn’t really matter.
Want to lose weight?
Eat less until you start losing weight.
It doesn’t really matter what your metabolism is…1,500, 2,500, 50,000… they’re just numbers, they don’t matter.
Are you losing weight? That’s what matters.
Want to gain muscle? Are you concerned about how many calories you should be eating?
Measure your waist and your shoulders, chest, legs and maybe your upper arm.
If your shoulder measurements are going up and your waist isn’t then your eating the right amount of food.
If your arms and legs are getting larger and your waist isn’t…then your eating the right amount of food.
What’s the EXACT calorie cost of building an ounce of muscle? Who cares, it doesn’t really matter.
Focus on what matters to you, and then get rid of the rest.
(Or at least put in on the side burner for a while.)
And don’t let other people try to push what’s important to them into becoming what’s important to you.
They may want the world’s best core may not.
The term “It’s all relative” is true. But to make it even truer (if that’s a word) it should be…
“It’s all relative to you”
The rest doesn’t really matter