I loved the entire process of researching and writing Eat Stop Eat.
Every single minute of it.
However, There is one thing I would change…
I would have never called it “fasting” in any way, shape or form.
I would have called it “Occasional Breaks from Eating”.
Obviously, fasting is the correct term, but personally, I think this is a much better description of Eat Stop Eat.
People still think that Eat Stop Eat has something to do with prolonged ‘starving’ or fasting for weeks on end.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Occasional Breaks from Eating (or for some people, occasional breaks from feasting), combined with a little bit of self-awareness trying to figure out which habits and cues unconsciously drive you to eat..that’s what Eat Stop Eat is all about.
Freedom, Flexibility, eating less and a little bit of self-discovery.
We all need to take a break every once in a while, whether its work, working out or eating.