I want to talk to you about our long term goals…and I mean LONG term.
And really, something that I myself don’t fully comprehend:
If we are worried about overpopulation and sustainable living, then why is one of our goals in health fitness “To eat as much as I can and still lose weight?”
Isn’t that kind of greedy?
Eat 5,000 or 10,000 or even 20,000 calories a day and still look great….Sounds like a good plan
Until you stop and think – those 20,000 calories could have fed a family 4 for at least 3 days.
Shouldn’t our goal be “I want to eat as little as possible, enjoy the foods I eat and be in perfect health”?
If we can get by on 1,000 Calories a day and still be in optimal health…shouldn’t this be something to consider?
[I’m not saying 1,000 is a proven number, just something I picked for illustration]
If you stop to think about the long term impact of our health and fitness goals, they actually seem pretty…selfish.
After all, shouldn’t ‘health and fitness’ include everyone?
If we can get by on eating less and even exercising less and still look exactly the way we want to and be as healthy as we need to be..shouldn’t we?
[Of course, doing these two things may greatly increase your lifespan, which opens up a whole new discussion]
Love to hear your thoughts on this…